Tuesday, April 17, 2012

9 is FINE! (Juice Fast Day 9)

So I day 9 is here and I am about the same... feeling pretty good except for my monthly visitor ;-). Amazingly enough I never got a PMS headache this month! It's my usual "warning" sign. Morning weight was 106.6. Someone asked me if I noticed a big difference and honestly I just feel good, but I didn't feel "bad" before, so no I don't see any dramatic changes. I do have more energy during the day and don't feel tired all the time, so that is good. But since digestion takes LOTS of energy you would expect to have more of it if your body does not have to digest food all day. I was going to the gym today just to see what my strength and endurance were like, but I got sidetracked with a petting zoo at Nikki's school. I do plan to go tomorrow before I break my fast. I won't work out hard, I just want to see how my body handles it.

So now that it is day 9 I really have things down to a routine. I make 32 oz of "Green" juice. This is cucumber based (cucs juice really well) with green apple, lemon, celery, and greens. I have found that if I have a really sour batch of green apples then I prefer to substitute a red apple for one of the green ones. The pic below is actually 2 cucs, 5 ribs celery, 4 ribs(?) kale, 1 green apple, 1 red apple, 1 orange, and 1 lemon. This made 32 oz.

My second juice is 16 oz and it is carrot based. (Carrots also juice well). I will juice enough carrots to fill my measuring cup to 8oz. Then I will add fruit like pineapple or strawberries. Even though it is my carrot based juice, I do try to get some greens in every juice I make. You can see the romaine I juiced in the picture below. I also added a rib of celery to get it up to 16oz.

So what I have found is cucumbers, carrots and celery produce a good amount of juice. Greens... just a scant amount. I prefer my juices to be fairly sweet but some people tried some more savory recipes. One of my friends made "spaghetti juice" from tomato, peppers, and garlic. She heated it just to warm and ate it with a spoon! I was going to try it, but never did. But it might be a nice break from the sweeter tastes. Also, I drink my juice in 8 oz servings. I don't sip it, I drink it right down. I don't want the sweet taste in my mouth all day by sipping on juice. This is just a personal preference for me. So I drink 8oz when I first make juice and then again around 11, 2, 4, 6, 8. 48oz seems to be the magic number for me. I do know some people drink a lot more than that.

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