Thursday, May 29, 2014

Just Juice May 2014: Day 3

Day 3 was up and down.  I went back and forth between feeling good and feeling tired.  Hunger was moderate.  I made cinnamon rolls with Jordan for his teachers... tomorrow is the last day of school.

It seems kind of crazy but I actually enjoy cooking and baking when I am juice fasting, and it is not as difficult as it seems like it should be.  Here's why: I treat fasting just like marriage.  I have been happily and successful marriage for almost 24 years, because divorce is not an option.  It's the same thing with fasting... once I decide do it, I tell myself that quitting is not an option.  I think it is probably the only way for me to succeed.  If you are going to do any sort of fast, don't think about what you could have if you weren't fasting.  Just don't go there.  If you must, tell yourself that you will make that thing for your end of fast celebration.  Heck, if you want you can make whatever it is every day for a week... AFTER you are done with your fast.  And I just might.  :-)

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