Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 2013: Just Juice Day 3 of 5

This morning my usual juicing insomnia hit and I was wide awake much earlier than I would have liked.  This happens often when I juice.

Our church picnic about did me in... what was I thinking doing this when we had a picnic in the schedule??  The food, so. much. food. and as hungry as I was, every stinking bit of it looked delicious.  Even the hotdogs. (GAG)

Tomorrow is the last full day of just juice.  YAY.  This morning I weighted 102.0 even.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 2013: Just Juice Day 2 of 5

Day 2 is always a good day.  The hunger is not as intense and I start to get my juicing groove. :-)

I weighed 102.8 this morning.  I usually have a big drop from day 1 to day 2 and then it goes much slower after that.

I felt good all day today, but am currently feeling wiped out.  I usually have a slump after dinner whether I am juicing or not, so it's normal for me.  I'll get a second wind later probably.

I got to use squash, tomatoes, carrots, and cucs from my garden for today's juice.  That's pretty cool.

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 2013: Just Juice Day 1 of 5

Time to Juice Again!

This time I will juice 5 days again.  My weight in the morning was 105.0.  I have successfully kept my weight around 103-105 since my juice fast in January.  This is a weight I am very comfortable and happy with so that is why I choose to do a 5 day fast as opposed to a longer one.

There are two reasons, I believe, why I have not gained weight back this year.  The first is I stopped drinking soda.  I was a one a day girl and on bad days, maybe two.  I always do a 40 day soda free fast at the beginning of the year, and this year Mark said let's go longer... so we did... and kept on going.  I haven't had any soda this year.  I mainly drink water, but will occasionally have a sweetened drink.  Probably not even once a week though.  The second thing I have done, as I have mentioned in previous blog posts, is cut my carbs.  Less breads, less pasta.  These two things are all I have done differently, but it has been enough.

Today I made 32 oz of green juice and had 12 oz of warmed spaghetti juice for dinner.  Mark and I went to a movie at the cheap theatre and the popcorn smelled heavenly.  The first day of a juice fast is hard because hunger is pretty strong, your sense of smell increases, and you are breaking the habit of eating mindlessly.  So many times today I had to catch myself before grabbing something and putting it in my mouth without even thinking.

I realized today that I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow, and our church picnic is on Sunday.  There is just never a "good" time to do the fast.  There is always a reason to put it off.  There will be more parties and more picnics, Lord willing, many more.  That's another part of the fasting process for me.  Realizing my ability to avoid food, even at special events, and not suffer from it.