Uhm first let me just say... TOMORROW I EAT! :-)
Days 4-6 were fairly uneventful. I felt fine but not great or very energetic. I survived making cinnamon rolls for Jordan, free pizza from Papa Murphy's, making a double batch of giant chocolate chip cookies for a dear friend's bake sale fundraiser, and a BBQ cookout with tons of yummy food.
Day 4 weight: 109.8
Day 5 weight: 109
Day 6 weight: 108.6
Whenever I fast and I lose those few pounds that always seem to come back, I reflect on how I can keep them from creeping back on. This time I am going to try an old strategy that really works if you can follow through and stick to it. It's so simple too. You don't count calories, you don't lower your carbs, or anything else. In fact, you can eat whatever you want and whenever you want as long as you follow these two rules:
1. Eat ONLY when you are hungry. Not when you think you are hungry or when the clock says you should be hungry, but when you are actually, for real hungry.... guess what... no you DON'T have to eat breakfast if you aren't hungry. God gave your body trustworthy signals... the problem is we have gotten used to ignoring them.
2. Stop when you are satisfied. Now satisfied doesn't mean stuffed. It means comfortably full. When you are satisfied you stop, even if there is only one bite left to eat on your plate. Your body is not a trash can.
It is simple but it works. Every time. And like juice fasting, the battle is in your mind. Some people have a hard time reading their bodies signals and confuse head hunger or actual hunger. For those folks it is best to wait for a good, strong, tummy-growling hunger before eating. With practice you will get better at listening and interpreting your bodies signals.