Friday, February 8, 2013

4 weeks out...

So I am four weeks post juice fast and I have not had any trouble maintaining my goal weight!!

1-18-13: 106.6
1-25-13: 106.6
2-01-13: 106.0

2-08-13: 106.0

What is different this time?  Well, I am a reformed carbaholic.. sort of.  I am definitely not as "low carb" as I would like to be, but I have changed up my diet, swapping out carbs I would normally eat for fresh fruits, veggies, even nuts and meat.  I eat as much or more than I used to but my tummy is not bloated, and I am not putting on weight.  The lack of any tummy bloat is the most amazing part of eating less carbs.  Even "that time of the month" did not cause me to puff up like I used to. ;-)

Whenever people would talk Atkins, or Paleo, or just Low Carb in general, I always said I like bread, pasta, and sweets too much to go there.  I'd die.  Guess what?  I was wrong.  Swapping out has not been as awful or hard as I imagined it would be.  I feel good too.  I actually don't deprive myself, I still eat sweets, and bread and rice... just smaller amounts and less often.  

For me this is not a diet, these are permanent changes I am making for my health.  Last year the focus was on getting rid of as much of the "food-like products" from our diet as possible.  We have done pretty well except for the blasted vanilla creamer, and so this year my goal is to increase veggies and reduce grains in our overall menu.  It's going okay, but the littlest two are a hard sell.  Nikki is enjoying salad now though, which makes my heart happy. Baby steps, baby steps.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekly Update...

Three weeks after my juice fast and my weight has remained steady...

1-18-13: 106.6
1-25-13: 106.6
2-01-13: 106.0

Besides doing a couple fast days a week where total fast time is around 20 hours, I have tried to sub other foods for the carbs I used to eat.

For YEARS my go to lunch has been: 1 PB&J sandwich on whole wheat bread, 1/4 cups popcorn air popped with 1TBS coconut oil (used to be spray butter, but subbed the coconut oil a while back).  As you can see... carbs and more carbs.  Now I have cut the sandwich down to one slice of bread and the popcorn down to 2 tablespoons AND I don't eat it every day.  I have tried to sub fruits, veggies, hardboiled eggs, etc. in place of the carb fest.  As you can see, it works.

This week I rewatched an awesome documentary on Netflix called "Hungry for Change".  If you have Netflix, I highly recommend it.